The North Thames Anaesthetic Meeting
An opportunity to learn, network and present
The North Thames Anaesthetic Meeting is a completely fantastic meeting. We’d like to tell you all about it so that you’ll join us this coming January and hopefully every January after that!
First there's the trainee prize. Have a look at previous programmes and see what has been presented - anything will do, a case report, an audit or your OOPE. Of course any talks on your groundbreaking perioperative research are also welcome. Presenters get a significant subsidy on meeting registration on top of the ordinary trainee discount. The winner is awarded with a hefty £500 discount off the next meeting. There may be additional prizes for the winner and runners up TBC.
NTAM takes place annually in the beautiful French alpine resort of Tignes. There are mountains and snow! These two things alone were enough to tempt us (!) but if you need more convincing then here’s more information:
The meeting has been running since 1999 and was originally set up by anaesthetists predominately in the North Thames region of London (hence the name). These days though our delegates come from all over the UK as well as from Europe, Australasia and North America, and many return every year. We have new Trainee and Consultant delegates at every meeting usually as the result of word of mouth and we are always delighted to see new faces.
The conference occurs in the last week of January and this year will run from Sunday 25 to Friday 30 January 2026. Typically delegates arrive the Saturday before the programme starts, largely by Eurostar (other travel options are possible) and go home again the following Saturday. Standard accommodation is included Saturday to Saturday (i.e check-out on Saturday). Arriving earlier or later is an option – please contact us if this is the case.
NTAM is a small meeting of approximately 70 delegates, the majority of whom stay in the same hotel. We have always felt that the small size is a positive and encourages interaction between delegates. The atmosphere is relaxed and we are all able to learn from each other both through formal presentations and from informal discussions over dinner or on the slopes!
The academic content is highly rated and the programme is honed each time from every previous year’s feedback. In recent years our plenary speakers have included Anthony Gordon (Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, Imperial), Ramani Moonesinghe (Professor of Perioperative Medicine, UCL), Bob Bingham (Paediatric Anaesthetist, Great Ormond Street), Mike Grocott (Caudwell Xtreme Everest), Judith Hulf (Past-President of RCOA), Kathy Rowan (Director of ICNARC), Kevin Fong (Co-Director of the Centre for Aviation Space and Extreme Environment Medicine) and Rupert Pearse (Clinical Reader in Intensive Care Medicine).
Lecture programmes from previous years including trainee presentations are all available on the NTAM website and the 2020 programme will be released once finalised.
Trainees are invited to submit an abstract for presentation during the conference. You can have free rein on the subject matter – an audit, research, case report etc. All abstracts submitted are considered for the programme. We have already mentioned that there is a prize available for the best presentation of a hefty £500 discount off the next meeting. Remember that this is an international conference and therefore a noteable achievement to include in the CV. The consultants are a friendly bunch and this is a nice environment to present in. We have both presented in the past and have lived to tell the tale!
So, that’s a summary of what we have to offer at NTAM. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch. We hope we have given you plenty of reasons to join us and look forward to seeing you soon.
NTAM Vice-Chairs for 2025,
Dr Isabel Greaves and Dr Christopher Parnell